
  • Supporting option choice and project approval decisions

    This case study describes risk assessment activities to support a large capital project in the mining sector, first to assist in selecting a technology option and later as an input to the Board’s decision on granting formal project sanction and Notice to Proceed. It demonstrates the value of comparative risk assessment, a staged approach to setting priorities for addressing uncertainty, and the role of risk management in supporting project decisions.

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  • Tutorial on bow tie analysis

    Broadleaf's new tutorial describes bow tie analysis. This is a simple process for identifying where new or enhanced controls may be worthwhile. It is a core part of risk treatment planning, particularly where there is a high level of risk or where control effectiveness is assessed as low.

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  • Keynote presentation at the AURIMS Conference 2019

    Dr Dale Cooper was invited to make a keynote presentation to the annual conference of AURIMS, the Australian Universities Risk and Insurance Management Society, held in Melbourne on 3-5 April 2019. The theme of the conference was 'The Future of Universities: Adapting to Change, Innovation and Disruption'. The topic of the presentation was 'Big risks in the tertiary sector'. A copy of the presentation is available.

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  • Quantitative risk-based analysis of options

    This case study describes a range analysis of the cost of two options for the acquisition and implementation of an asset management and maintenance system for a utility business, under an agile delivery approach. It demonstrates a straightforward quantitative approach to comparing options that generated far more insight than could be obtained from a simple comparison of the initial quotes from software vendors.

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  • Tutorial on establishing a controls program

    Broadleaf is developing a series of tutorials on aspects of controls, control design and control assurance. The first three were published in December; the fourth is in preparation; we hope to make it available next month. The fifth tutorial, published this month, discusses how to develop an assurance program.

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  • Technical note: Process and guidewords for organisational HAZOPs

    When organisations change their structures, there is great value in stress-testing the proposed new arrangements to ensure they will work as intended, and will not generate unintended adverse outcomes. Organisational HAZOPs provide one way of doing this. Our new technical note outlines the process we use for organisational HAZOPs and the guidewords we recommend for such studies. It complements a related tutorial on procedural HAZOP we published a few months ago.

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  • Showing that effective risk management adds value

    We have been advising large businesses and government entities on enterprise risk management (ERM) for many years. Managers often ask us to justify why they should invest in ERM and how they can demonstrate its value in measurable terms. This guidance note distils some of the empirical evidence on the benefits an organisation should expect from an effective ERM framework and process.

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  • Due diligence for a strategic acquisition

    This case describes Broadleaf’s assistance to an international oil company in assessing the opportunities and threats associated with the acquisition of a significant stake in a business in a developing country. The purpose was to contribute to the company’s due diligence, submissions and approvals process. There was a specific objective of generating input for an imminent meeting of the Executive Committee.

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  • Broadleaf tutorials on controls: first instalment

    Broadleaf is developing a series of tutorials on aspects of controls, control design and control assurance. The first three are published this month. The fourth and fifth are in preparation; we hope to make them available in early 2019.

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