
  • Climate change and its effects on a food production business

    An international food processing company needed to make strategic decisions about the effects of climate change on its operations and the value of its business. A risk management process was tailored for the specific context of climate change, using scenarios and climate-change drivers to structure the assessment. The case demonstrates the value of sound preparation, comprehensive briefing material and good facilitation for dealing with long-term risks and environmental uncertainty.

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  • Broadleaf newsletter

    As noted in the previous newsletter, we have had some technical problems with our RSS feed that we're still trying to fix. We have a short-term solution, but it will involve one extra click to access new case study and resource material. Please bear with us until we have a long-term solution in place.

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  • Modelling schedule uncertainty in a tunnel development

    Tunnelling presents challenges not found in other forms of construction. Analysis of uncertainty in tunnelling schedules may require a different approach from that used for the analysis of a process plant construction, for instance. In some situations, existing schedule modelling tools lack the means to represent particular features of tunnelling developments. However, these can be addressed, with appropriate expertise, using two modelling tools and exchanging information between them.

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  • Broadleaf newsletter for April 2018

    We hate receiving lots of emails, so we only send the Broadleaf newsletter once per month, and then only if there has been a change to our web site. However, we do try to generate a case study or some interesting resource material every month, so you should expect to receive the newsletter regularly. You may have noticed that there was no newsletter in April. That was due to a technical problem with our RSS feed, so there will be several new items available in May.

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  • Headline risks

    A condensed version of Dr Dale Cooper's resource paper 'Headline risks: seeing the big picture' was published in the November issue of Risk Management Today, volume 27, number 9, page 140, 2017.

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  • RiskNZ Conference, August 2017

    RiskNZ, formerly the New Zealand Society for Risk Management, will be holding its conference in Wellington NZ on 17-18 August 2017. The conference title is Repositioning Risk Management. Dr Dale Cooper will be presenting a keynote address on 'Governance, leadership and enterprise risk management' on 17 August, and chairing a conference wrap-up session on 18 August.

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  • Complex systems methods and ICT projects

    Stephen Grey presented an introduction to complex systems and ICT projects at an event in Melbourne in May 2017 entitled 'Agile Thinking: Public Sector Perspectives'. The presentation material can be downloaded (see full post).

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  • Complexity methods to support design

    Stephen Grey addressed the Designing Health conference, held on 24-25 October 2016 in Adelaide, on supporting system and service design using methods developed to work with complex systems. His talk focused on narrative based methods and the use of SenseMaker(TM) to enable large scale, geographically dispersed and longitudinal exercises.

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  • Complexity and design

    An article by Stephen Grey on the value of complex systems methods for public sector program design was published in The Mandarin on the 1st of September 2016.

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