Climate change
Broadleaf has guided the extension of standard risk management methods into several area of specialisation. Combining the uncertainty surrounding climate scenarios with the uncertainty associated with the consequences and occurrence of risks can be confusing without a clear, structured approach.
Broadleaf extended the conventional approach to risk assessment into a planned, two-stage process that accommodates the complexity of climate change risk management. It remains consistent with the standard ISO 31000, illustrated in Figure 1. More details about our approach are provided here.
Our work with the Australian government
Broadleaf has been at the forefront of exploring the application of risk assessment methods to risks associated with climate change. In partnership with Marsden Jacob Associates, we developed the original Commonwealth Government guide to assessing risk in this sector, the Australian Greenhouse Office (AGO) publication Climate Change Impacts and Risk Management – A Guide for Business and Government. Building on Australian climate change scenarios developed by the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), we held a series of risk assessment workshops across Australia to trial and refine the application of the standard risk management approach to this challenging topic.
In subsequent work funded by the Commonwealth Government, we planned and facilitated the assessment of climate change risk for five local authorities in the Western Port region of Victoria in south east Australia. Our approach to combining the uncertainty in climate scenarios with the uncertainty associated with the consequences and occurrence of risks was further refined through this major study.
Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency
We have undertaken risk assessments, and quality assurance reviews of risk assessments, for the Department in relation to Government projects and initiatives associated with:
- Carbon Farming Initiative
- Financial Assistance Scheme
- Green Start Program
- Solar energy rebate program and phase-out of another program in conjunction with the Renewable Energy Target
- Training Assistance Scheme.
We led a project to develop guidance booklets on the effects of climate change on specific infrastructure sectors, including transport, power, water, communications, industrial and recreational facilities, and buildings, each with multiple sector elements.
Our work with State governments
Department of Environment and Primary Industries, Victoria
In conjunction with Marsden Jacob Associates, we participated in a risk assessment of the effects of climate change on Victorian agriculture.
Department of Primary Industries, New South Wales
Broadleaf was engaged by the Department of Primary Industry (DPI) in NSW to create a foundation for climate change risk management. Through a series of facilitated workshops, we led DPI personnel through the establishment of their risk management context including:
- The scope of concerns to be addressed
- The main stakeholder groups and their concerns
- Success criteria and risk consequence rating scales based upon them
- Key elements to provide a structure for thinking about risk in this context
- Scenarios describing changes to the climate that could arise by 2030.
Parks Victoria
In conjunction with Marsden Jacob Associates, we participated in a climate change risk assessment for Parks Victoria. Broadleaf's focus in this project was on risks with consequences for biodiversity.
Our work with local government
We have worked with local authorities to assist them to assess and deal with the risks they face from a changing climate, in addition to our activities with the Western Port councils noted above.
City of Boroondara
We developed briefing materials and facilitated a climate change risk assessment workshop, as part of a larger project conducted by Marsden Jacob Associates to identify the risks and develop an action plan to manage the impacts of climate change on the City of Boroondara's residents, parklands and infrastructure assets.
Redland City Council
We worked with Redland City Council in Queensland to identify and prioritise climate change risks then to develop an adaptation plan to limit the damaging effects of the most severe risks.
South Gippsland Shire Council
South Gippsland Shire Council engaged us to review their risk assessment methods and to facilitate a review of their climate change risks by their senior management personnel.
Power transmission
Broadleaf has advised several power supply and transmission businesses on project and operational risk management. Among these are investigations stimulated by growing concern about the effect of climate change on bush fire risk and the danger of electricity infrastructure either being damaged by or causing fires with consequential damage to public and private assets.
Specific details of clients cannot be released due to commercial sensitivities.
Other activities relating to climate change
Dale Cooper has delivered several presentations on the effects of climate change in different parts of the world, and the application of risk management to addressing them.
- Bombay Management Association, Conceptual Forum on Managing the Risk from Climate Change
- Institute of Risk Research at the University of Waterloo, PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP and Broadleaf Capital International, Executive Workshop in Toronto, Canada, on Risk Management and Climate Change
- New Zealand Society for Risk Management, Conference on Climate Change: What Does it Matter?
- Tertiary Education Facilites Management Association, paper on Preparing for the Long-Term Impacts of a Changing Climate at the TEFMA Conference on Facilities Management for a Changing Climate
Environment-related work
For other work related to environmental matters, please see our dedicated page here.