
  • Dr Dale Cooper presents to the NSW Planning Assessment Commission

    Broadleaf facilitated an integrated risk assessment for the Underground Expansion Project at Wollongong Coal's Russell Vale Colliery, a requirement for planning approval. The assessment focussed on risks that might affect the quantity of water in Cataract Reservoir, the quality of the water flowing into the Reservoir and the ecological health of upland swamps and creeks. The assessment was reviewed by an Independent Risk Assessment Panel and the regulators. Our report was presented to the NSW Planning Assessment Commission (PAC). On 8 December 2015, Dr Dale Cooper summarised the risk assessment process and outcomes at a PAC public hearing in Wollongong.

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  • Podcast on project risk modelling

    Stephen Grey was interviewed for the Project Controls Podcast series a while ago and the result is now available online at

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  • Free webinar on managing risk management performance

    Broadleaf in association with Cura will be providing a series of free webinars on risk management matters of interest. The first of these will occur on Friday September 4 and will discuss how organisations can improve their approach to managing risk using conventional performance management techniques.

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  • Foundations of risk management – new video course

    Based on our experience over many years as to the minimum knowledge and skills people need to manage risk effectively in any organisation we have created a series of ten, short videos that are intended to explain the foundations for modern-day risk management. Initially we have prepared three modules and will be issuing others on a monthly basis.

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  • Liability risk assessment for a major IT services contract

    Broadleaf recently completed a contract liability risk assessment for a major IT service delivery for a Commonwealth agency. This was to help the procurement team arrive at an appropriate limit or cap on commercial liabilities to be included in the contract. Setting an appropriate limit avoids the imposition of an unreasonably large cap (or even unlimited liability) on the supplier, an approach that leads to unnecessary increases in the contract price.

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  • Concessional loan risk assessment

    Broadleaf carried out a risk assessment of a concessional loan offered by the Commonwealth Government. The risk assessment examined the administration and financial performance of the loan. It confirmed the existing controls were well designed and reasonable in the circumstances as well as helping to establish priorities for assurance of the controls during the term of the loan.

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  • New book: World Class Risk Management

    Norman Marks, a well known writer and thinker on risk management has recently published a new book on World Class Risk Management. Grant Purdy was asked by Norman to review the book as it as written and also to provide a forward. Broadleaf is delighted to be associated with this book. Norman has used his considerable experience in business to explain risk and its management from first principles, to challenge some of the logically inconsistent, complex and self-serving concepts that currently bedevil the practice and the profession.

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  • From Bolt-on to Built-in

    Grant Purdy has worked for a number of years with the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) helping them with guidance on risk management. Grant made a substantial contribution to the thought paper 'Bolt-on to Built-in' that has just been published by IFAC. The paper makes the point that risk management should never be implemented in isolation; it should always be fully integrated into the organization’s overall system of management. This system should include the organization’s processes for good governance, including those for strategy and planning and making decisions in general. The paper includes a useful model for integration.

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  • Cloud based services

    Following a presentation and discussion held on 29th April 2015 at the offices of DLA Piper, participants from the Victorian Public Service (VPS) were asked to comment on how the emergence of cloud based services has affected them. This note describes their responses.

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