Members of the Broadleaf team have a long association with the rail sector.
Dr Dale Cooper has been the independent Chair and an independent Member of the Board Finance and Audit Committee of the Transport Projects Division of Transport for NSW, formerly the Transport Construction Authority (TCA), the Transport Infrastructure Development Corporation (TIDC), and the Parramatta Rail Link Corporation (PRLC).
Linear infrastructure, light rail and rail projects
Broadleaf has been engaged to support many rail and light rail projects. In the tables below they have been categorised as relating primarily to rail infrastructure, supporting systems, organisational matters, quantitative analyses and safety, operations and technical matters. However, there are significant overlaps in many cases: rail infrastructure requires supporting systems, project oversight overlaps with organisational and enterprise matters, quantitative analyses support most project budget estimation and contract analysis, and safety underpins most rail-related work.
We have also worked on many road projects, including major highways and road tunnels, which face many of the same challenges as rail and light rail due to their linear nature, the use of installed infrastructure to bring materials to the workfront and the limited number of workfronts that can be opened.
Rail infrastructure projects
Abu Dhabi Department of Transport
Light Rail Transit: risk management components of tender documents for project management consultant (PMC) providers for Abu Dhabi Light Rail Transit / Tram Project, evaluation of risk management responses, participation in tender evaluation interviews and associated meetings
Metro: feasibility implementation risk assessment; risk management components of tender documents for project management consultant (PMC) providers for Abu Dhabi Metro Project, evaluation of risk management responses, participation in tender evaluation interviews and associated meetings
Babcock & Brown: Coal unloader
Risk assessment of new rail unloading facilities at the Dalrymple Bay Coal Terminal
Barclay Mowlem
Risk assessment and risk management planning for the Taiwan High Speed Rail Tracklaying Contract T200 Project
BHP: Port Kembla Coal Terminal rail upgrade
Risk assessment of the rail modifications associated with the Port Kembla Coal Terminal Upgrade Project
Downer EDi Rail: Tender for supply and maintenance of railcars
Risk assessment to support a bid to supply and maintain a new fleet of passenger railcars for a metropolitan transport authority
Leighton Contractors: Bauhinia Regional Rail
Qualitative and quantitative risk assessments associated with bids for a design and construct contract and a maintenance contract for a regional rail line
Private consortium: New railway
Qualitative risk assessment for a proposed railway between Adelaide and Darwin
RailCorp: Lessons learned
Post-project completion review of lessons learned from the Cross City Tunnel project
Rail Infrastructure Corporation: PRL interface
Risk assessment of controls over designs and specifications for the Parramatta Rail Link and implications for RIC as the designated authority
State Rail Authority: Macdonaldtown
Risk assessment of the Macdonaldtown Turnback and Crossover Projects
Sydney Metro: CBD Metro independent peer review
Independent peer review of all aspects of the risk assessment process for the CBD Metro Project
Transport Infrastructure Development Corporation: Tender evaluations
Participation in tender evaluations and tender evaluation reviews for major contracts, including the original Parramatta Rail Link (PRL) proposal and the Epping to Chatswood Rail Link (ECRL), as well as additional associated contracts and contracting strategies
United Group: Relocation
Relocation risk assessment and hazard study for MainTrain project
Victorian Department of Infrastructure
Victorian Department of Infrastructure,New Stations Program: facilitation of risk assessment and risk treatment workshops for the New Stations Program
Victorian Department of Transport, South Morang Rail Extension: examination of key execution interfaces for the South Morang Rail Extension Project
Victorian Department of Transport, Westall Rail Upgrade: review of risk management processes for Dandenong Rail Corridor projects; facilitate an examination of procurement options for the Westall Rail Upgrade Project
Victorian Public Transport Corporation: Jolimont Rationalisation: risk assessment for the Jolimont Rationalisation Project and associated Train Management Facility
Rail supporting systems
FreightCorp, Fuel Miser: risk assessment of a PLC-based locomotive fuel management system
FreightRail, Train Radios: risk analysis for a project to install communication radios in long-distance rural trains
Queensland Rail: Train avionics
Review and analysis of human factors aspects of locomotive cab design
RailCorp: Automated Special Train Notice (STN) Exception Reporting
Identification and assessment of the risks involved with the proposed automated STN system and transitional arrangements, with a particular focus on safety; most of the risks identified involved the manual reporting system, which meant that automating it would eliminate those risks
Rail Infrastructure Corporation
Possessions: Risk assessment for Inner West track possessions reduction
Possessions: Risk assessment of the Network Possessions Review Project, involving a series of stakeholders workshops – RIC, SRA, Office of the Coordinator-General, Transport NSW, Parramatta Rail Link – followed by a series of treatment workshops involving participants from the seven working parties attached to the project.
State Rail Authority
Millennium Train: Risk assessment of the differences in the crew cab equipment on the existing and Millennium Train rolling stock, including a combined brake and power controller and Train Operating System (TOS) screens, and associated crew training
Victorian Department of Transport
Victorian Department of Infrastructure: Metrol Replacement Project - Risk assessment for a replacement for the Performance Reporting System for the metropolitan rail network; project risk assessment for the implementation of a Customer Information System
Victorian Department of Infrastructure: MTSC - Risk assessment for the Metropolitan Train Safety Communications System
Victorian Department of Infrastructure: ROMS - Risk assessments for the implementation of a Staff Management System and a Fleet Management System for the Rail Operations Management System Project; risk assessment of project implementation
Victorian Department of Infrastructure: TCMS - Risk assessments of the potential suppliers for the Train Control and Monitoring System; project implementation risk assessment; quantitative assessment of tenders
Victorian Department of Transport: Regional Fast Rail - Risk assessment for Passenger Information Display Systems for Regional Fast Rail
Victorian Department of Transport: State-Wide Reservation System - Facilitation of risk assessment and risk treatment workshops for the State-Wide Reservation System; development of a Risk Management Plan
Victorian Department of Transport: Tram Automatic Vehicle Monitoring - Risk assessment for the Tram Automatic Vehicle Monitoring (AVM) System Replacement Project
Enterprise and organisational risk management
Abu Dhabi Department of Transport: Surface Transport Master Plan
Development of a risk management framework and implementation plan including standards, best practice methods and the configuration of a risk management information system
Training for DoT management and staff on risk management in transport projects
Facilitation of a risk assessment of the entire strategy for the implementation of the Surface Transport Master Plan for Abu Dhabi
Facilitation of a risk assessment of the procurement of an overall program management consultant
Facilitation of 'look back' and lessons learned reviews using root cause analysis on existing contract structures
Australian Rail Track Corporation
Development of the Risk Management Framework and Plan
Downer EDI Rail: ERM
Development and implementation of enterprise risk management processes
RailCorp: ERM
Maturity evaluation of the organisational risk management processes
Development of an ERM framework including standards and best practice methods
Training of risk management champions
Facilitation of a strategic risk assessment for RailCorp with the Executive Committee
Transnet (South Africa): ERM
Enterprise risk management development for Transnet, including Spoornet (Transnet Freight Rail)
Training for risk management champions and the executive
Development of a governance reporting system for Executive and Board
Development of a specification for a risk management information system and support in its configuration
Transport Projects Division: Finance, Audit and Risk Committee
Independent Chair and Independent Member of the Board Finance, Audit and Risk Committee over an extended period. Note that the Transport Projects Divisions was formerly the Transport Construction Authority, the Transport Infrastructure Development Corporation (TIDC) and the Parramatta Rail Link Corporation (PRLC)
Victorian Department of Infrastructure: Risk management framework
Drafting of the DOI Risk Management Framework
Portfolio risk assessment for the Public Transport Division
Quantitative risk analysis and fiscal risk
CityRail: Capital budgets
Quantitative risk analysis of capital budgets
FreightRail: Revenue budgets
Quantitative risk analysis of revenue budgets
Industry alliance
Quantitative risk analysis in support of a rail maintenance contract bid
Transport for NSW: North West Rail Link
Independent peer review of the quantitative risk analysis for the capital cost of the North West Rail Link (NWRL) Project
Transport Infrastructure Development Corporation: Budget
Quantitative risk analysis of budget contingencies
Victorian Department of Transport: Regional Rail Link
Quantitative risk assessment of the cost and schedule of the project prior to final approval
Development of a simplified modelling tool for work area managers to use to assess the aggregate effect of cost estimate uncertainty, schedule uncertainty and the effects of up to ten major risks on their budgets without the need for specialist simulation tools
Safety, operations and technical studies
Coal Stream Alliance
Value management study for the Jilalan Rail Yard Upgrade Project
Coleman Rail: Safety
Corporate safety risk assessment for accreditation
Flinders Power: Road rail vehicles
Risk analysis for derailments of road rail vehicles, based on a review of the Australian Code of Practice Guideline for Road Rail Vehicle Operation
FreightRail: Train inspection
Value management for an automatic freight train inspection station
Industry consortium
Participation in a railway industry workshop to consider new Rolling Stock Codes of Practice
Perisher Blue: Safety
Risk assessment on the Skitube rack railway, with an emphasis on safety risks and involving external stakeholders such as NSW Police and Fire Brigade; this also included a review of Skitube's Safety Management System
Queensland Rail: Safety
Trackside safety for trains entering worksites
Human factors task analysis for Signal Passed at Danger (SPAD) prevention
Wheel unloading of 4000 Class diesel locomotives
Analysis of derailments throughout Queensland operations
Operations: procedural Hazop and review of the application of the RailCorp Safety Management System in relation to horn procedures at the Macdonaldtown Stabling Yard
Platforms: risk assessment and review of controls for trains stopping at short platforms
Rail Infrastructure Corporation
Track Inspections: mechanised track inspections risk assessment and management
Vertical Split Heads: root cause analysis, risk assessment and priority setting for vertical split head problems
Speno: Safety
Operational safety risk assessment for accreditation
Spoornet (Transnet Freight Rail, South Africa)
Risk assessment on dangerous goods transportation and development of safe routing advice
UK Health & Safety Commission
Leadership of technical review into Transport of Dangerous Substances in the UK by road and rail
Other work in the transport sector
For details of our work in other parts of the transport sector, please follow the links below:
Roads and highways and associated infrastructure, including bridges and tunnels