Topic: Risk management framework

  • Business and project risk management review

    Broadleaf assisted a major professional service business, operating across defence, aerospace and other high technology sectors, to assess its existing risk management practices and identify opportunities to enhance them.

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  • Free webinar on managing risk management performance

    Broadleaf in association with Cura will be providing a series of free webinars on risk management matters of interest. The first of these will occur on Friday September 4 and will discuss how organisations can improve their approach to managing risk using conventional performance management techniques.

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  • Practical support for effective risk management

    So often it seems, papers and articles about risk management are not written in plain language so that everyone can understand what is required and how they can improve their own approaches. However, Broadleaf has a different view. We try explain concepts from first principles, using simple language and then give proven, practical solutions based on our many years of experience. In addition to written materials our website now offers video presentations that cover the concept of risk, governance reporting under ASX Principle 7, project risk modelling and the debunking of many myths prevalent in risk management.

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  • RiskNZ Conference, Wellington, October 2014

    Grant Purdy recently delivered a key note speech at the RiskNZ Conference. He spoke on Hearing over the Cacophony and challenged the value of the ever-expanding multitude of artefacts, encumbrances, concocted expressions and three letter acronyms that obscure the core concepts for managing risk and clog up current risk management practice.

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