Dr Dale Cooper: Foreword to Dr David Hillson’s ‘Managing Risk in Projects’, 2nd edition
Managing Risk in Projects, 2nd edition
On 9 July 2024, Routledge published the second edition of Managing Risk in Projects, written by our friend and business collaborator Dr David Hillson, also known as The Risk Doctor.
You can find the publisher's information about the book, and how to order it, here. Routledge says that 'We offer free standard shipping on every order across the globe'. They offer a discount of 20%, valid until 31 July 2024, if you use the code SMA22.
Dr Dale Cooper, Director of Broadleaf, was pleased to write the Foreward for the new edition. In it he says:
This second edition of David’s book includes useful new material that addresses a wide range of recent changes in the evolving landscape of risk and projects. It is a succinct book that belies the breadth of topics it covers. While the focus is generally high-level, it contains a wealth of detail that will allow executives and project managers to tailor their risk management activities to the particular circumstances of their projects and the kinds of uncertainties they face.
This book is written in David’s typically clear language that is easy to read and understand. I strongly recommend it.
You can read Dale's complete Foreword here.